Do You Need A Construction Phase Plan?

Date: August 5, 2022

A Construction Phase Plan Outline.

The phrase "construction phase plan" (CPP) is likely to be used if you work in the construction industry or take on your first construction project.

However, what exactly is a construction phase plan? When is it required, and who writes it?

  • A construction phase plan is a document required under CDM regulations.
  • It’s required on all construction projects
  • It’s produced by the principal contractor (or sole contractor if only one)
  • It's used to plan and manage construction work safely (and comply with the law)

What Exactly Is A Construction Phase Plan?

A CPP is a health and safety document required under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations - often referred to as CDM.

Every construction project, whether it is commercial or residential, regardless of size or duration, is subject to the CDM Regulations.

The construction phase plan, also known as the CPP or the construction phase health and safety plan, is a record needed by the CDM regulations on every project.

'Yes', a construction phase plan is necessary for every construction project.

The CPP is a health and safety management document for the project.  It outlines the strategy for completing the work safely. It will contain information about the project, the kind of work, the team, and emergency plans.

The contents of the plan need to be specific to the project. Primarily because every construction project is different. For example, there’s different teams, different locations, and different types of work to be considered.

How you’ll handle health and safety issues on your site should be covered in detail in your construction phase plan.

Question Time:

Ask yourself these questions. How will you deal with the risks and hazards involved? How are you going to manage the contractors? How will you respond to particular difficulties like location limitations or uncommon design elements?

Although it's a good idea to refer to your standard operating procedures, including them all in your construction phase plan is usually not a good idea because it could prevent people from seeing the crucial information they actually need to know.

Make sure your construction phase plan is more than just a list of risk assessments and method statements for various project-related tasks and activities. These are separate documents that are necessary for every project contractor.


A List Of Key Headings you will need


Description of The Project


You will describe the project's details and its scope in the description. Along with the project management team (client, primary designer(s), designers, principal contractor, and other consultants), you should also list subcontractors and important suppliers.

In summary:

  • Description of the project?
  • What is it you’re building?
  • Who is involved?

Project Management

As a health and safety management document, the construction phase plan should include an extensive section outlining the management plans for the work.

The project's management structure should be described in depth, including the site manager and any individuals responsible for health and safety. Additionally, you must make plans for management practices, including site inductions, training, security, welfare, accident management, and coordination between the relevant parties.

Along with the site rules and your fire and emergency protocols, you will also include information on the project's safety goals and objectives.

In Summary:

  • How do you intend to manage the project?
  • Who will be in charge?
  • What do people need to do?
  • How is information to be shared on the site?
  • What  happens in an emergency?

Arrangements For Managing Construction Health Risks

For obvious reasons, health risks should be identified and controlled.

This section of the construction phase plan details how you will manage health risks throughout the project.

Take into account any risks that could endanger the health of workers, guests, or the general public. Health hazards like asbestos, contaminated ground, radiation, and dangerous substances might be present.

In this part, you can also discuss things like manual labour, noise, dust, and vibration exposure.

In Summary:

  • What are the project health risks?
  • How will they be managed?

Arrangements For Controlling Safety Risks

You must include more specific information about any substantial safety risks in this section and give any actions that could increase the possibility of accidents occurring on the project more thought.

Determine safety concerns and establish a plan to effectively manage them. This will contain plans for handling services, structures, excavations, lifting activities, and any on-site machinery or equipment.

Routes for deliveries and traffic, the intended storage of products, and potential risks to the general public should all be taken into consideration.


  • What are the project safety risks?
  • How will they be managed?

The Health & Safety File

There is a different document required under CDM, which is the health and safety file. It is not necessary until the end of the project, in contrast to the construction phase plan. Nevertheless, data for the file should be gathered during the project.

Describe the procedures used to acquire data for the health and safety file in this section. Additionally, you can provide the file's suggested structure and the required information's format.


  • What information is required?
  • When does it need to be supplied?

In conclusion, all construction projects, no matter the size or duration, are legally required to have a Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan.

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  • Kate Hewitt

    I am responsible for successfully overseeing projects from start to finish. Working closely with Architects, Clients and other building professionals in tasks ranging from planning the project, creating schedules and timelines, executing each phase, managing the budget, serving as liaison among all stakeholders to troubleshooting and maintenance.

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