7 Traits Of Highly Effective Project Managers

Project management is a multifaceted discipline that requires a unique blend of skills, qualities, and traits to be successful. Highly effective project managers play a crucial role in ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. In this post, we will explore the seven key traits that make a project manager highly effective.


1. Exceptional Communication Skills

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful project management. Project managers must be able to convey their ideas, goals, and expectations clearly to their teams.

Moreover, they need to listen actively to understand the concerns and feedback of team members. By maintaining open and transparent communication, project managers can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is on the same page.


2. Strong Leadership Abilities

Highly effective project managers exhibit strong leadership qualities. They lead by example, inspire their team members, and provide direction and guidance. They are not just managers; they are leaders who can motivate their teams to achieve their best. Effective leaders also know how to resolve conflicts and make tough decisions when necessary.


3. Excellent Time Management

Time is of the essence in project management. Effective project managers are skilled in managing time efficiently. They create realistic timelines, set clear deadlines, and ensure that tasks are completed as scheduled. They are also adept at prioritizing tasks and resources to maximize efficiency.


4. Problem-Solving Skills

Every project faces unexpected challenges, and highly effective project managers are adept problem solvers. They can identify issues, analyze them, and develop solutions quickly. They are resourceful and can adapt to changing circumstances, ensuring that the project stays on track.


5. Adaptable and Flexible

Project managers must be adaptable and flexible, as no two projects are the same. They can adjust their strategies and plans as needed to meet changing project requirements. Being open to change and learning from past experiences is a crucial trait that highly effective project managers possess.


6. Attention to Detail

The devil is in the details, and effective project managers know this well. They pay meticulous attention to every aspect of the project, from the initial planning phase to the final execution. They ensure that nothing is overlooked and that all quality standards are met.


7. Risk Management Expertise

Projects often involve risks, and effective project managers are skilled in risk management. They can identify potential risks, assess their impact, and develop strategies to mitigate them. By being proactive in managing risks, they can prevent costly disruptions and delays.



In conclusion, highly effective project managers possess a unique set of traits that set them apart. They excel in communication, leadership, time management, problem-solving, adaptability, attention to detail, and risk management. 

By honing these qualities, project managers can increase the likelihood of project success, deliver exceptional results, and earn the trust and respect of their teams and stakeholders.


Kate Hewitt - Project Manager

This is how we can make your project a success. Learn more https://hc-services.uk/project-management/

Call us 01538 711777 

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Construction Traffic Management Plan - A 10 Step Guide

The Traffic Management Problem.

Construction sites can be crowded because they require access for workers, deliveries, and equipment. In order to protect the workforce from fatal and serious accidents, a traffic management plan is crucial. 

Traffic management is one of the top Health & Safety risks in construction so, in this post, we'll look at ten examples of how to manage traffic during the construction phase. 

Construction sites are places where people and machinery frequently interact. And, even though plant and equipment is essential to help workers with tasks like digging and moving materials, it also possesses a risk. 

The reality is it there won't be a happy ending if a worker is struck by a machine on the move. 

It’s true to say that other industries have traffic movement issues. However, compared to most industries, construction sites can be more difficult when it comes to traffic management. 

The issue with construction is that each site is unique due to factors such as site layout, access points, requirements, tasks, equipment, the number of workers, and a variety of other factors. 

Additionally, different layout configurations are required for the same site at various stages of the project. So, now you have an idea why construction traffic management systems are critical to a safe working environment.


10 Solutions to traffic management problems.


1 Minimise Movement On Site.   

Even though traffic around construction sites is generally unavoidable, it should be minimized as much as possible. Let’s face it, accident prevention up front is always better than accident cure after the event.

Do vehicles for employees need to be on the site? Possibly not. Would arranging the site's layout so that storage space is near the entrance help lessen the volume of traffic that must pass through the area? Most likely, yes. 

There should be as little movement as possible of any vehicles on the site. Using one-way systems and creating turning circles to prevent reversing can be a great way to increase safety because reversing is typically where visibility problems and fatal accidents can happen.


2. Ensure Site Plant Is Kept Away From Hazards.

Although, wherever possible, you should ensure that your traffic plan permits safe and level traffic routes until the project is completed, more often than not, construction sites do not have the luxury of a finished road or traffic route during the construction phase. 

This means that drivers of machines and vehicles on your site need to be aware of more than just people. Why? Because there’s always a risk of vehicles overturning, which can be created by excavations, uneven terrain, or unstable ground. 

However, that's not the only challenge a construction site faces. There are also a number of risks that could involve machinery and plant. 

Remember that construction sites are usually busy places with hazards such as overhead cables, services, watercourses, temporary construction elements, new structures, skips, and waste materials. 

Therefore, sufficient consideration should be given to these hazards when planning your vehicle access and egress routes


3. Keep Non Essential People Away From Plant And Machinery.

The easiest way to stop people being hit by a moving vehicle on your site is to keep pedestrians and vehicles as far apart as possible. 

Granted, this is a lot easier said than done, but by focusing attention on areas where people are unavoidably moving to and from their work areas, greater control can be maintained. 

It’s worth noting that the majority of construction transport accidents result from the inadequate separation of pedestrians and vehicles. No one is expecting to come into contact with an excavator when they are heading to the canteen. 

And it’s a fact that people are more likely to come into contact with vehicles when they are maneuvering or moving on or off the site. So, without doubt, unmanaged traffic routes are high-risk places, but planned traffic routes enable people and machines to be safely kept apart. 

This is why separate pedestrian and vehicle entrances, access routes, are advisable wherever possible, with safe and clear crossing places clearly identified.

“Struck by moving vehicle accounted for 23 fatal injuries to workers in 2021/22, representing 19% of the total number of deaths over the year.”


4. There's No Need For Speed.

The faster plant and the vehicles move, the less time drivers have to react and the less chance pedestrians have to move out of the way. 

Although it should be a top priority to keep site traffic and pedestrians apart, there will frequently be crossing points and other locations where they might, or even have to, come together. 

After evaluating a particular area, choose an appropriate speed limit. Use highly visible signs to make the speed limit known; site speed limits should also be a subject highlighted in inductions and constantly monitored.


5. The Importance Of Visibility.

It’s fairly obvious that excavations, uneven ground, additional plant and equipment, additional structures, waterways, and materials can pose a challenge to traffic management planning. 

And it’s also obvious that the ability to see them is absolutely critical. Good visibility is essential for safe traffic movement on site, which means that all potential hazards should be clearly and appropriately signed. 

Maneuverability and movement on the site can be assisted by mirrors, cameras, alarms, and banksmen. Pedestrians on your site should wear high-viz clothing at all times. There might also be a need for additional lighting during the months with dark mornings and afternoons.


6. Be Prepared For Change.

Due to the nature of the work done on construction sites, the site layout is likely to change as buildings and other structures progress.

Therefore, it is possible for on-site plant and vehicle movements to become dangerous if your traffic management plan is not updated or is not in place at all. 

As the project progresses and the site layout changes, it is imperative that you keep your traffic management plans current.


7 Train For Success.

All plant operators must be competent and physically fit. When workers attempt to operate vehicles they lack the necessary training for, accidents may result. 

Only after competence has been verified and the appropriate training has been given, should permission be granted to operate plant and/or machinery on-site. 

Additionally, training is also required for banksmen and signallers, who assist drivers and direct traffic movements as well.


8 Information Is Key.

You have a plan of action, access routes, and a speed limit. The next step is to make sure everyone is aware of it.  

The traffic plan and site rules should be understood by both drivers and pedestrians. You can communicate your traffic rules using inductions, toolbox talks, instructions, and safety briefings. 

You can also use traffic light systems, speed checks, speed limit signs, and road signs around the site as well. 

Display a site map with traffic routes in the site offices, canteens, and mark those routes with danger signs and flags, and include traffic management in the general induction.


9. Maintain clear routes.

You’ve probably heard the old saying about waiting for a bus and then several arriving all at once. The same can occur with deliveries, especially during the setup stage and peak build periods.

To manage vehicle movements safely, schedule deliveries and other vehicle movements well in advance. The site will be less congested (and safer) the fewer vehicles there are on site at once. 

Keep your access routes clear to prevent drivers from looking for an alternative way around because everyone likes a shortcut and no accident is ever going to happen to them (so they think). 

One of the key areas HSE inspectors focus on during site visits is that sites are well organised and walkways and access routes are free of obstructions. Don’t disappoint them.


10 Inspect and Maintain.

For obvious reasons, all on-site equipment, including vehicles, must be safely maintained. As part of that maintenance, built-in controls like guards, brakes, and alarms must be checked to ensure they function properly.

It is a legal requirement that plant and machinery be maintained and in good working order. Therefore, make sure your plant and vehicles are regularly inspected, maintained, and records kept so that it is safe for them to be used on site. 

Don't let standards slip once other project demands take over; maintaining your traffic management plan is an ongoing requirement.

Get banksman/traffic marshals' feedback on potential updates and apply as necessary. Make sure your plan is effective by monitoring and reviewing it frequently.



If you apply the ten tips above you will be well on the way to having a good working traffic management plan and you’ll help people on your site to avoid being another traffic injury statistic.

Kate Hewitt - Project Manager

If you’re responsible for Health & Safety on your site and would like help with your traffic management plan you can get in touch by just clicking this link https://hc-services.uk/contact/ 

Call us 01538 711777 

Or Email hello@hc-services.uk



The Essential Components of a Pre Construction Information Pack

What is a Pre-Construction Information Pack?

The Pre Construction Information Pack (PCIP) is a document which contains essential information related to a construction project. 

It includes data that the Client already holds or is able to easily access and obtain in order to provide appropriate guidance for relevant CDM Duty Holders, including Designers, Contractors and Principal Contractors. 

While not explicitly referenced in the CDM 2015, the regulations do state that pre-construction information should be presented in an organised, clear and easy-to-understand format.

Pre Construction Information is a critical step in meeting the requirements laid out in the Regulations. 

Designers must take all pre-construction data into consideration when drawing up their designs, and then Contractors or Principle Contractors need to use that information to fulfill their responsibilities for the Construction Phase Plan.


Developing The Pre-Construction Information.

Under the CDM Regulations, it is the Client's responsibility to provide a Pre Construction Information Pack to each Designer and Contractor as soon as possible. 

It falls to the Principal Designer, once appointed, to collate this information and present it in an accessible form. 

The Pre Construction Information Pack is constantly evolving, being edited and updated based on any new information that develops during the pre-construction phase.


Pre Construction Information Contents.

Pre Construction Information (PCI) is an essential document that dictates a project's construction requirements. 

According to UK HSE Guidance L153, PCI must be relevant to the particular project and include an appropriate level of detail proportionate to the risk involved. 

At a minimum, PCI should contain:


1. Project Overview

An overview of the project, as well as any key dates and the contact details of the project team. This will provide a clear summary of the work being undertaken and ensure everyone involved is aware of essential timelines and points of contact.


2. Conditions & Requirements

The client's conditions and management requirements like management arrangements for the project, objectives and restrictions of the client, monitoring review setup for the workforce, site inductions, security measures, and welfare conditions.


3. Health & Safety Details

Details related to the health and safety of all those involved in the project. This includes requirements for site segregation, vehicles/pedestrians movements, fire and emergency procedures, as well as any specific rules set out by the client.


4. Environmental Restrictions

Existing environmental restrictions or on-site risks that must be addressed prior to the start of construction. This includes safety hazards and health hazards that must be identified, evaluated and controlled in order to ensure a safe working environment.


5. Risk Management Information

Information essential in managing risks associated with the design and construction of a project. In order to prevent any potential hazards, information about such designs must be evaluated and precautions taken for certain materials if needed.

This will help mitigate the significant design risks that have been identified throughout the design process.


6. Guidelines for the Construction Phase Plan

7. The Health & Safety File

8. Site Specific Information

Any additional site-specific information that may be relevant to the project should be included in the PCIP. This may include information about nearby buildings, roads, the environment or public areas.

It is important that the PCIP is reviewed and updated regularly throughout the project to ensure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.

This will help to ensure that the risks associated with the project are effectively managed, and that everyone involved in the project can work safely.

In conclusion, a Pre-Construction Information Pack is an essential tool for managing health and safety risks associated with construction work.


Kate Hewitt - Project Manager


How we can help…

If you'd like help compiling a pre-construction information pack or reviewing an existing one we’d love to help.

To get in touch just give us a call on 01538 711777 or Email hello@hc-services.uk

Or of you prefer just use our contact form https://hc-services.uk/contact/

See our CDM process here https://hc-services.uk/cdm-health-safety/

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The Importance of a Quality Assurance Plan in Construction

What is a quality assurance plan in construction?

A quality assurance plan in construction is a document outlining the project-specific quality activities, standards, tools and processes that are necessary to ensure the successful delivery of a given project. 

It is often referred to as a project quality plan (PQP), quality management plan, or project quality management plan.


What’s the purpose of a quality plan?

A quality plan outlines the processes, resources and standards necessary to ensure that a product, service, project or contract meets specified requirements. 

The documents in this plan outline what needs to be done in order to achieve quality goals and help set measurable standards for evaluating progress.


What Makes a Quality Assurance Plan so Important?

Quality assurance planning in construction is an important part of any successful project. 

A quality plan helps ensure that all aspects of the project, from materials and processes to final results and customer satisfaction, are meeting specified requirements. 

Quality assurance plans can help reduce costs, improve scheduling, and maintain standards for quality. Additionally, these plans help identify problem areas in a timely manner so that adjustments or corrections can be made before they become costly issues.


Understanding Quality: What Does it Really Mean?

Quality can be broadly defined as an outcome that meets the expectations of its intended audience. 

Quality results from a process that involves dedication, hard work and communication. It requires continuous monitoring to ensure the desired outcome is met throughout the project. 

Good quality is not guaranteed and must be actively pursued to achieve success.


Why Good Quality Is Essential: A Look at the Impact.

Why is it important to strive for good quality in a project? Quality control throughout a job can make every step of the process better, from the work being done by operators to the final product itself. 

An attention to quality can increase safety, make the workers take extra pride in their work, and help the finished product stand out above similar projects.


Can Quality Really Affect the Bottom Line?

Does quality affect the bottom line? Absolutely! When quality is sacrificed, projects become less profitable in a variety of ways. 

Poor working practices require extra management input and can lead to more health and safety issues. Low quality construction can also fail to meet its designated purpose. 

Ultimately, poor practices result in wasted time and materials, driving up costs significantly.

Kate Hewitt - Project Manager


How we can help…

If you'd like help creating, compiling and organizing a quality management plan and / or a quality handover manual for your project we’d love to help. 

To get in touch just give us a call on 01538 711777 or Email hello@hc-services.uk

Or of you prefer just use our contact form https://hc-services.uk/contact/

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5 Practical Tips For A Construction Project Handover

The project handover is an important part of ensuring that the final product meets the client’s expectations and quality standards. 

With careful planning, communication, and documentation, you can make the process easier and more efficient. 

Here are five tips to help you make your construction project handover go smoothly.


Document The Works.

Construction projects can be complex and involve a multitude of subcontractors, suppliers, and consultants. 

It’s important to ensure that all works are properly documented to ensure that there is evidence of every aspect of the project. This documentation should include descriptions, drawings, photographs, and any other relevant notes. 

By documenting all works associated with a construction project, it helps to prevent disputes between contractors and stakeholders alike and enables a smoother handover.


Put Together a Thorough Commissioning Plan.

A comprehensive commissioning plan should be created to outline the process that will take place during handover. 

The plan should include details such as who is involved in each step of the process and what deadlines must be met. 

This plan should also cover specific requirements related to user safety, quality assurance, and any final inspections or tests that need to be carried out before completion. 

Having a well-defined plan in place can help ensure that the handover is completed correctly and on time.

As previously mentioned the above list is only an example and in reality each programme is job specific.


Carry Out Acceptance Tests And Quality Assurance Checks.

An essential part of ensuring an effective construction project handover is making sure that all tests and inspections have been carried out. 

This includes performing acceptance tests and quality assurance checks to ensure that all aspects of the project have been completed to a satisfactory level. 

For example, electrical installations should be tested for safety and appliances such as HVAC systems and boilers should have their working capacity checked against defined outcomes.

Studies on the effects of loud noises and analyses of air quality can also be used to evaluate environmental problems or noise impact. There should be documentation of the completion of each of these tasks.


Identify Roles, Responsibilities, And Access Requirements.

During a handover, it’s important to identify who holds responsibility for different elements of the project. Accessibility should also be taken into account. 

For example, if necessary, certain materials or equipment can only be accessed by personnel with specific permissions or certifications. 

Set clear roles and responsibilities within the handover process itself. This will reduce confusion and ensure that all parties are aware of what they need to do to complete the project successfully.


Follow Up on Handover Outcomes And Defects Lists.

A key part of ensuring a successful construction project handover is following up on the outcomes and small defects lists compiled during the process. 

This list should include any potential problems or issues that were identified during the handover procedure. 

After the project’s completion, it’s important to go back and review this list in order to ensure that all outstanding issues have been resolved, and that they’ve been signed off by the authorised person. 

Doing so will help reduce the chances of misunderstandings or disputes after the handover has been completed.

Following these five simple tips can make what could be a very stressful time much easier to manage.


Lisa Carr - Project Manager

If you'd like to see how we can help your project to be successful, get in touch here HCS Project Management

Give us a call 01538 711777

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Why You Need A Construction Programme

The Construction Programme is the single most significant document that a contractor is likely to prepare between contract award and final account submission. 

The construction programme serves as a standard benchmark against which project progress is evaluated, along with the degree and root causes of any delays and any related right to extensions of time.


Minimum requirements.

As a minimum, the Construction Programme should offer a thorough breakdown of the order and timing of the tasks necessary to complete each section of the works.

Each activity's earliest and latest start and finish dates, relationships between activities, and basic critical path/s should be displayed along with important dates and milestones.


Essential elements for the construction programme.

Programme elements should include but not be limited to details of:


As previously mentioned the above list is only an example and in reality each programme is job specific.


Construction programme approval.

Once the Contract Programme is approved, a baseline is established against which change can be measured. This requires that the programme be monitored and actual against anticipated progress recorded accurately. 

Progress should be recorded on specialist programming software against a copy of the Contract Programme to ensure that original data is not accidentally overwritten or deleted. 

Progress should be recorded on a weekly basis as longer periods can miss vital elements of the construction process.

Records  should encompass not only the contractor’s own work but also that of key subcontractors and the status of employer and third party contractors as well. 

This information will form the basis of any periodic progress reports such as monthly progress meetings called for under the contract.


In conclusion

A construction programme is not only a requirement of the contract but also a crucial management tool that enables proactive planning to guarantee that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to high quality standards.  

Construction programmes are vital to a projects success because they clearly outline a project’s scope of work, identifying timescales, lead times, development phases and duration's, as well as the sequence of activities and the labour, plant and material resources needed to complete the project.

Lisa Carr - Project Manager

If you'd like to see how we can help your project to be successful, get in touch here HCS Project Management

Give us a call 01538 711777

Or Email hello@hc-services.uk

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Project Success For Hewitt&Carr Services at Birchfield House

The Big Picture

Birchfield House, is the first NHS 111 Advice centre in the West Midlands for DHU Healthcare CIC. This site, which opened on 31st October 2022 marks the start of an exciting development for DHU Healthcare as it expands into a new geographical area.

Whilst this base is a temporary one, it is where DHU will provide an NHS 111 support service throughout the winter period.


The Challenge

Built in 1994, Birchfield house had stood empty for over 3 years when the potential of the building was realised by DHU.  

Working for the client we were required to get the 16,000 sqft building in a condition that could house 200 call handlers within an 8 week time period.

The building had many initial issues throughout the project from heating/ventilation issues to water ingress which needed to be dealt with in a creative and cost-effective way.


Our Solution

Project managing various trades from M&E contractors, electricians, locksmiths, security companies, IT, utilities, plumbers, civil engineers, and much more was required on a daily basis to pull this scheme together and get it operational in time for the planned ‘go live’ date.

From the beginning, we realised the importance of providing swift, accurate, and articulate communication to all of the stakeholders, so we were involved in regular project board meetings to ensure that we were on programme from beginning to end.


The Result

The building went live on the 31st October and has so far taken over 10,000 contingency 111 calls which in turn has assisted many of our NHS111 partners ensuring that patients receive the care that they deserve. 


Project Managed by Kate Hewitt. Please see testimonial below.

To Whom It May Concern

I am happy to provide a reference for Kate Hewitt with who I had the pleasure to work with whilst successfully delivering a fit our project for DHU in Oldbury.

I was the project manager for the fit-out contractor at Birchfield House and Kate was the project manager overseeing the works on behalf of our client DHU.

Since day one, Kate came across as a diligent, collaborative, and decisive professional which was a real benefit to the project team and aided the on time and on budget delivery of the project to the client’s satisfaction. Also, Kate was always practical with any design decisions and most helpful in dealings with her stakeholders.

I am looking forward to working with Kate in the future and can highly recommend her services to other parties.

Yours faithfully,

Ivan Yovchev

Project Manager (Overbury Plc)

M: 07855 971846


If you'd like to see how we can help your project to be successful, get in touch here HCS Project Management

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5 Tips For Cost Budgeting Your Next Construction Project

What is cost budgeting?

Cost budgeting is the process of estimating the overall cost of finishing a project. This entails making estimates, figuring out actual costs, and managing a set budget. In a nutshell, it’s basically project budget management.

Project managers or staff members tasked with cost control typically use spreadsheets or construction budgeting software to create cost budgets, listing the various components of a project and entering their costs. 

Creating a specific cost budget for your project requires taking into account direct and indirect cost estimates as well as project timelines. 

Construction budgeting can be difficult as there are so many variables and potential changes during the life of any given project. 

Setting up a cost budget can aid in achieving organisational objectives, reducing project costs overall, and ensuring best practice standards on your subsequent projects.


#1 Review your cost budget on a regular basis.

In order to decide whether project spending is appropriate or whether it's time to implement corrective measures, it's critical to review your budget frequently, at least once per week. 

By doing this, you can stop overspending by recognising it when it happens.


#2 Share cost budget information with each team member.

If you talk to your team members often, you can learn how they’re allocating their time or what resources they require. Speaking with other department managers or vendors while working on a big project might help you come up with fresh corrective actions.


#3 Manage the project's scope.

If your coworkers are unaware of the scope of the project or the cost of the contract, you might find that your project is going over labour budgets. 

Regularly communicating the scope of the original contract or agreement can stop your team from providing free labour to the client (unpaid favours), overspending on labour, and delaying the project's schedule.


#4 Keep track of individual parts.

Tracking the cost budget and spending for individual parts of larger projects will help you to better understand where overspending occurs. This could entail keeping tabs on contractor spending, monitoring labour across various departments, project expenses, or keeping track of labour and material costs separately.


#5 If necessary, update the cost budget.

Review the initial estimation and budget process if your corrective measures don't fully bring the project's costs within the estimated costs. Work with the client to revise the budget if there were any inconsistencies or overlooked costs during that process. Then, use the updated budget to improve your projections for future projects.


One last tip...


Maintain a record of recent cost budgets.

Keep track of your cost budget information after finishing your current project, as it can provide critical support for future projects. 

Remember to save cost budget information securely. The last thing you need is for important information like this to go missing.


Mark Spender: Chartered Surveyor


If you'd like to see how we can help your project to be successful, get in touch here HCS Project Management

Call 01538 711777

Email hello@hc-services.uk

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Post Project Reviews And Why You Need To have Them

What is a post project review?

Project managers can use a post-project review as a tool to assess a project's success at its conclusion. 

Over the course of the review, the team members compare the project's anticipated and actual results. Following are some ways that project managers can gain from a post-project review:


1 Identify individual accomplishments and strengths.

A post-project evaluation could be used by teams to document their achievements. This could improve future teams' motivation and effectiveness. 


2 Identify what needs to be improved.

By looking at difficult processes and steps, a project manager may discover areas for improvement. With this knowledge, they can make recommendations for streamlining or improving procedures in upcoming projects. 


3 Determine the most efficient methods.

Project managers can take advantage of the review procedure to think about the best strategies going forward. By examining what worked well in the past, they can develop effective strategies for future initiatives.


The main areas of discussion during a post project review are:


The above is not an exhaustive list, just a general snapshot.

If mistakes are to be avoided and best practises are to be replicated, a post-project review is essential.

Post-project reviews are a priceless tool for providing feedback so that teams can advance their abilities and performance. 

These reviews provide a chance to ensure ongoing development and have the potential to raise team morale.  

It is crucial to involve as many project team members as possible in the review. By doing so, the project can be evaluated more thoroughly and any ambiguities can be found. 

Making these reviews successful depends on objective feedback and honest opinions free from ego interference.


Lisa Carr - Project Manager

If you'd like to see how we can help your project to be successful, get in touch here HCS Project Management

Call 01538 711777

Email hello@hc-services.uk

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How Site Audits Can Help Your Construction Project

Site audits friend or foe?

Construction audits review various project activities to make sure they are functioning properly and in accordance with the contract's requirements. 

Site audits are a vital tool for keeping everything on track and within budget because construction projects typically involve multiple activities, all performed concurrently.

So how exactly are site audits beneficial to construction projects.


Aids Cost Recovery:

Costs on a construction site can change over the course of the project and, without adequate controls, can easily get out of hand.

Site audits can help pinpoint areas where costs are going over budget and who, specifically suppliers and/or contractors, are responsible. Site audits can also assist with creating backup plans.


Improves Internal Controls:

A great deal of conflict on construction sites stems from an inability to stay within the original scope of the project. 

Without adequate controls, things such as client variations can add a considerable amount of additional work and potential delay to the overall contract programme, not to mention run away with unrecorded costs. 

Site audits make sure that all relevant controls are in place and working and help with quality management.


Determines Project Progress:

Because they can help ensure that deadlines are met, site audits are crucial. They will be able to assess whether the project is on time, behind schedule, or ahead of schedule. 

To accurately assess how the project is progressing, a site auditor will visit the site, review the progress, and speak with personnel before forming a final opinion.


2 Determine Your Approach:

You need to start at the beginning, which means you should analyze and evaluate all your current quality procedures.

As with most business processes, there are many approaches you can take, depending on the goals you have defined.

For example, if you want to eliminate return visits, involve construction managers in quality-management processes such as regular site inspections, snag list management, and reporting metrics. 

Based on the results you want, you need to define the roles and responsibilities for everyone involved in the quality-management processes and clearly communicate them to all members of the team.  


Ensures Safety:

To ensure that all workers are working in a safe environment, site auditors can also review safety protocols pertaining to things like equipment, hazardous materials, and traffic management. Records of audits can also help if and when you get a visit from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).


Some people see site audits through a victims eyes as in someone coming to site to find fault. Others see site audits as beneficial because they reveal things that, if left unchecked, would not only get worse but could be very detrimental to the project as a whole.


Kate Hewitt - Project Manager

If you'd like to see how we can help you create meaningful site audits please click here to get in touch HCS Project Management

Call 01538 711777

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