
The restoration of historic buildings is essential to preserving our long heritage for future generations. It is also a vital economic driver, creating jobs and boosting tourism. Our team can ensure that your historic building continues to play a vital role in this heritage both now and in the future.
━ How We Help You

The Heritage Process

Going through the very complicated process of restoring a historic building can be a nightmare, of that there’s no doubt. Fortunately our talented team of experts can guide you through the process to ensure that all risks are visible and accounted for and all necessary documentation is in place for your peace of mind.

1. Site/Building Appraisal

We start by evaluating the existing site, identifying any listed buildings or conservation areas.
Large and small house

2. Historic Research

We consult various resources in order to identify the key heritage values.
Old fashioned navigation dividers on paper

3. Design Process

We advise during the design stage to ensure compliance with planning & heritage guidelines.

4. Heritage Statement

We complete a report assessing any potential heritage impact of the proposed development.

5. Application Submission

We assist in the submission of planning and listed building applications to the local planning authority.

6. Appeal (If necessary)

We fully support any appeal process to ensure the areas of concern are adequately addressed.
People with speech cloud above

7. Consultation and Determination

We liaise with clients, design team and planning/conservation officers during the determination period.

8. Design & Implementation

We can assist with any further requirements, such as condition discharge information, schedule of works etc.
Restoration on a heritage building in the uk.site-visit- writing on a clipboard
 What We Do

Our Services

We understand the complications a heritage restoration project can bring. Our Heritage Consultants utilise their vast knowledge gained over many years to make sure that all regulations and conditions are met. To that end we provide a range of services including:
- Building assesment & conditions reports
- Masonary restoration
- Removal of hazardous materials
- Glazing restoration
- Metalwork restoration
- Planning and project management 
- Painting and decorative finishes
- Plasterwork restoration
- Landscaping
- Woodwork restoration
 Who We Help

We Work With

Hewitt and carr architects


We combine your design solutions with our building expertise.

Property & Land Owners

We support you with your property

Property Developers

We help you make the most out of your property opportunities.
House and navigation tool

Historic Homeowners

We help you with every phase of
your project.
 What We Answer

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your experience with historic buildings?
Our team of experts have vast experience in many of the heritage/restoration key ares such as submitting listed building applications and writing heritage statements in support of works to listed properties or those within Conservation Areas. We have also undertaken simple signage or window replacements right up to comprehensive schemes for Grade II*/I listed stately homes.
What is your process for restoring historic buildings?
You can see our simple heritage process explained at the top of this page.
Do you help with the planning application process and documentation?
Yes, we fully assist in the submission of planning and listed building applications. 
What if my planning application is refused?
The resubmission process for listed building applications is very similar to the normal planning process. Often, depending on the proposals, both a planning and listed building application will be submitted and determined simultaneously. If a planning application is refused, you will usually have 12 months to submit a revised application without paying a further fee, whereas a listed building application is always free. If a client chooses to appeal a decision, whether it relates to a planning application or listed building application (or both) there is no planning fee payable.
How Much Do You Charge For A Consultation?
We can provide you with a bespoke fee reflecting the complexity of your project. A site appraisal can be highly beneficial as it enables vital planning issues to be identified and an appropriate strategy implemented.

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      This notice serves to clarify the associations between the individual employees of and consultants to Hewitt&Carr Services and the third-party, professional organisations. The logos of the organisations are used in accordance with the guidance set out by the organisations. The logo of the Royal Town Planning Institute relates to the membership of Rob Duncan BSc MA MRTPI. The logo of the Association for Project Management relates to the memberships of Kate Hewitt.