HSE Annual Workplace Fatalities 2019/2020

Date: July 13, 2019

The Health and Safety Executive have recently issued a report summarising the details of workplace fatalities in Great Britain from 2019 to 2020.

The headline figure shows that during 2019 and up to March 2020, a total of 111 people have died carrying out work-related duties, this is a decrease of 38 from the previous year.

Unfortunately, the construction industry had the highest number of workplace fatalities, with a total of 40 deaths for the period. However, when looking at the fatal injury rate in terms of the number of fatalities per 100,000 workers then, agriculture, forestry and fishing, along with the waste and recycling industry, come out worse than construction.

The largest amount of fatalities were due to falls from height, with 29 fatalities recorded. Being struck by a moving vehicle came in second with 20 fatalities.

As with previous reports, the figures do not include deaths related to occupational diseases and therefore do not represent any deaths related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The HSE has advised that separate data will be released specifically to COVID-19 at a later date. You can view the full report here.

Any loss of life is tragic, but Britain continues to be one of the safest places to work. However, the figures show that there are still areas that can be improved and show the importance of managing health and safety appropriately.

If you are in the construction industry and you need help with your health and safety, give Hewitt&Carr Services a call today.

Tel: 01538 711777

Email: hello@hc-services.uk

Web: https://hc-services.uk/cdm-health-safety/

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  • Kate Hewitt

    I am responsible for successfully overseeing projects from start to finish. Working closely with Architects, Clients and other building professionals in tasks ranging from planning the project, creating schedules and timelines, executing each phase, managing the budget, serving as liaison among all stakeholders to troubleshooting and maintenance.

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