The question often are planning appeals successful?
Planning appeals against the refusal of planning permission, enforcement notices, unwarranted planning conditions or non-determination are handled by the Planning Inspectorate.
Administratively based in Bristol, the Planning Inspectorate employs Planning Inspectors who undertake appeal work across the country.
They provide an independent assessment of planning proposals, most commonly following a refusal of planning permission by a Local Authority.
Statistics published by the Planning Inspectorate show that for the period April 2018 to March 2019, a total of 10,176 appeals were determined.
The vast majority of these were processed via the Written Representations procedure (9,486). The remainder were determined via the Hearings procedure (488) and the Public Inquiry procedure (202).
Of the 10,176 appeals that were determined, an average of 30% were successful.
The success rate notably varies depending upon which appeal procedure is adopted, with 29% of Written Representations, 42% of Hearings and 48% of Public Inquiries being successful.
The statistics, therefore, show that there is a greater prospect of success when utilising these latter procedures – however, they do come at additional cost and are usually reserved for more complex or controversial cases.
At Hewitt&Carr Services, we have an above-average success rate with appeals and offer a professional, considered approach to such matters.
If you are looking to lodge an appeal against the decision of a Local Authority, get in touch with us for a review of your case and a competitive fee quote.
Give us a call 01538 711777 or simply email:
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